Every dog is the star of our home, the star of our life. However, our furry friends could turn our life into a comedy, a romance, or even a horror scene. Fortunately, in the face of any chaos, there is "Cloralex Mascotas" that eliminates odors and cleans like no other.
Knowing that no owner will ever get tired of taking photos of their pets and seeking to highlight the benefits of the cleaner, we decided to make our furry friends the protagonists of funny films such as:
New Couch - A Tale of Terror in the Suburbs
 Two Dogs, One Bark
Playful - It Never Gets Tired
The Claw - Sharper Than Ever
While our team of designers was creating these personalized posters in real-time and turning them into fridge magnets, our customers had the chance to visit our stand, explore the product, and receive a free pet name tag.
As a result, consumers could take home a movie poster starring their pets, a name tag for the star of their home, and a free sample of our product.
Creative Concept
Art Direction
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